Second Creek Open Space

City Ordinances Regarding Use of the Second Creek Open Space:
  • No motorized vehicles are allowed in the Second Creek open space
  • Pets must be on leashes at all times

Second Creek Master Plan
The Second Creek Master plan covers a 17.3 mile multi-use trail and greenway along the length of Second Creek through the Northeastern Metro Area—linking The Platte River Greenway to the Highline Canal Trail. The Second Creek Master Plan adds to a network of bike trails and greenways that already stretch over 500 miles within five counties. This network generally follows canals, creeks and rivers from Chatfield Reservoir on the South to Brighton and beyond on the north.

This master plan envisions a continuous, 10’-wide shared use trail— portions of which will be paved and part will be soft surface, potentials for alternative and dual hard surface trails, trail access, trailheads and other trail amenities. The trail system will link parks, feature areas, neighborhoods and a number of connecting trails including major regional trails as well as local trails providing access to activity centers and neighborhoods.

In 2000, in pursuit of these goals and to address the opportunities and challenges anticipated for future growth in the region, a number of communities and agencies joined together to form the Win-Win Coalition. The Win-Win Coalition and this planning process grew in part out of planning for the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, The Commerce City Northern Range Prairieways Master Plan, The Brighton Trails Master Plan, The Adams County Open Space Master Plan and similar planning in Denver and Aurora. This informal coalition has been pursuing optimal, interconnected trails and open space and the renovation and enhancement of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge as well as other transportation and drainage improvements. The coalition supported an application by Commerce City, which received a planning grant from the Great Outdoors Colorado Trails Program to prepare a master plan for the Second Creek Corridor.

   Click below to download a copy
of the Second Creek Master Plan

Master Plan (Part 1)
Master Plan (Part 2)